45 POUNDS (MORE OR LESS) essentially
evolved from a character. I imagined a girl who struggled with her weight and
her place in the world. She’s from a typical American family, and by typical I
mean atypical. Families today are likely to include step-parents and single
parents and gay parents, so I wanted my character’s family to reflect that,
too. I envisioned the mother/daughter dynamic to be one of the central
conflicts. However, I wanted the main
conflict to be within the girl herself. Probably because growing up, most of my
conflict was internal.
Here’s where the evolution begins: I have this character, and I feel connected to her. I know her. I've seen
her in my classroom, in the park, and in the mirror. But when I started the
book around 2005, technology was quite different. In my first draft, my main
character spends time in a chat room. (Groan, I know, but hey, it was 2005.)
The title of the book was actually her user name: ANN_ONYMOUS. At the time, I
thought I was being clever. She felt invisible, and her name, I discovered, was
My beloved grandmother had recently
died, and I’d witnessed her decline from strong matriarch to frail patient
needing around-the-clock care. What better way to process those feelings than
to have my main character experience them, too? So, in my first draft, Ann’s
grandmother suffers a stroke in chapter one, and by chapter three, she’s moved
in with the family. It was a chubby-girl-takes-care-of-elderly-grandma story.
The more I wrote, the more I fell in love with the characters.
Then I got feedback. A paid
critique from an editor at a SCBWI conference commented, “Why should we care
about this grandmother who had a stroke? We need to see her first so we can feel Ann’s devastation.” So I start
writing back story with Ann and her Gram to get to know them myself. A few
years later, I went to Vermont College of Fine Arts, and I got more feedback in
workshop. “Does the grandma have to have
a stroke? Please don’t tell me she’s going to die. Hasn't that been done
already—a lot?” (Keep mind, the feedback isn't verbatim, but that was the gist.) My
brilliant advisor, Martine Leavitt, challenged me to ask Ann what she wants.
Martine had me write a letter from Ann to her exploring both concrete and
abstract desires. That forced me to re-vision the focus of the story.

Exactly one month from today—on July
11—45 POUNDS (MORE OR LESS) releases from Viking Children’s (Penguin). I can’t
wait to introduce you to Ann and her wacky, yet normal, family. I hope you love
them as much as I do.