My second novel is out today. You don’t know how good it feels to say that.
Scratch that—they are plenty of writers reading this blog,
many of them familiar with the heady brew of pride, relief, and gratitude that
comes with seeing your book on a physical shelf. They also know that when you start on the
path toward that moment, the road ahead feels long and lonely. Certain questions haunt you. Are my characters interesting enough? Can I actually tie all these plot strands
together in thrilling fashion? And will
anyone be interested in a novel about a math riddle posed in 1859, known as the
Riemann Hypothesis?
Okay, that last question was particular to me.
You see, The Cipher took root in my mind when I read about a
teenager in India who had possibly solved the Riemann Hypothesis, which many
call the greatest mystery in math. It
deals with prime numbers, and the article noted that because modern encryption
systems are built on prime numbers—and the fact that, basically, no one
understands them—unraveling the Riemann Hypothesis could also unravel all of
our electronic secrets.
It turns out the teenager hadn’t solved the ancient math
riddle. But I thought: what if he had? And what if, suddenly,
he had a key that could unlock any piece of encrypted information?
I knew it was a book I wanted to write. The plot came almost fully formed to my
mind. But it was about a math problem
from 1859. And it involved a government
agency called the NSA—one that few, at the time, were familiar with. It felt . . . obscure. The doubt loomed: is this going to feel important to people?
I set out to write anyway, because that’s what you do—you
write about the things that move you.
It’s the only way to go.
So I dove in. I
researched encryption and the NSA, and I made the characters as interesting as
I could. I drafted a novel in which the
chapters are designated by prime numbers.
I could only hope people would find the subject as fascinating as I did.
Just as I was beginning to think the NSA was, indeed, a
strange subject for a YA novel, something happened.
Edward Snowden hit.
Suddenly, the NSA was the subject of a national conversation. In the flood of news that followed, there
were reports
of the NSA going to great lengths to break Internet encryption systems,
just as it does in The Cipher. My editor
and I traded furious emails, watching with a kind of horrified fascination as
various elements of the novel were reflected back in real life.
Any doubt about the subject matter of The Cipher being too
obscure was erased.
It has only kept up since then. Apple has made an encrypted iPhone,
responding to popular worry about digital surveillance. Hollywood released the Imitation Game, another fascinating (and unlike mine, true)
code-breaking story. On Sunday, a
documentary about Edward Snowden and the NSA, Citizen Four, won an Oscar.
Yesterday it aired on HBO.
Today, The Cipher could
not feel more timely. My biggest
question, then, has been resolved. As
for the others, you tell me: are the
characters interesting enough? Did it
thrill you? Did the twists and turns
keep you turning the pages? Now that the
book is out there in the world, I’m eager to hear the answers.
Wow! Perfect timing!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the release of CIPHER! (And btw, I would be interested in a math mystery from 1859, even without Snowden.)
Haha, thanks Dianne! It really is a fascinating subject.
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