Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Conversation Hearts We Really Want

Ahh, Valentine's Day. The holiday cool enough to breed candy hearts capable of carrying on an entire conversation.

I don't know about you, but when I was a kid, valentines always came in those little white envelopes. Which was pretty handy, because you could tell darn near instantly if they contained conversation hearts (which, let's face it, made you about 100 times more likely to care about the contents of the envelope).

The night before Valentines, my siblings and I would sit around in our living room, writing our classmates names on the envelopes, and choosing VERY CAREFULLY which hearts to put in the envelopes. Because that kid that always bugged you at recess? You did NOT want to accidentally put a "True Love" heart in his envelope! After giving them to all our classmates,we made more to take around to neighborhood kids, friends, and secret crushes. We'd run them up to their door, knock, and run. And then we'd rush to our own door to see if we could catch anyone ding-dong-ditching us. I'm not the only one, right?

And then we'd look very carefully at the conversation hearts in the envelopes, because as you know, they say loads. I mean those things are like fortune cookies! Whatever they say is bound to come true.

To bring back childhood wonder and excitement at getting a really good conversation heart, I custom made some for you and your writing heart. 

If someone ding-dong-ditched a valentine on your doorstep tonight, what does your writer-self hope it says?

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, everyone!


  1. Any of those would be awesome, of course, but I think the one that would mean the most to me would be "Your MS is gr8". hehe

    Happy Valentine's Day to you too!!

  2. Um, these candy hearts are PERFECTION. Love it.

  3. Oooh, if those conversation hearts were for sale, I'd buy a case! Clever and tasty, what a combo!

  4. Those candy hearts are entirely too much fun. I could go for a whole box right now.

    I remember totally overanalyzing those generic Valentine's cards that boys would hand out, and wondering if "Be my Valentine, Slugger" had a double meaning. Fun times!

  5. Now THAT is a candy heart I can get behind!!! Thanks Peggy :)

  6. I would definitely buy those. Great idea!!

  7. I'll take all those candy hearts, please :-)

  8. I'm so jealous that you guys got to do such fun things for Valentines. It's like a non event here in Australia :( Maybe next year I'll make my own candy hearts to give around regardless!

  9. Peggy, I like that you said ding-dong-ditched...as if that's something you may be planning tonight. Also, I want all those candy hearts. Please make that the case.

  10. I want one of each of your hearts! I don't remember ding-dong-ditching for valentines. LOL. But I do remember being very careful which heart went to who.

  11. Ha ha, love the hearts! I want all of them!

  12. Awwwww, those hearts are brilliant. :D

  13. I forgot about those candy hearts. Haven't seen them in years. Yours contain very sweet messages.

  14. Oh! I want those hearts. They're awesome! Wonderful post. :)

  15. I never really liked those hearts (taste-wise) but the fact someone gave candy made it cooler. Oh, I remember doorbell ditching them to friends, and especially the boys I liked. I always wondered if they picked up on the ones I chose...

  16. My daughter's teacher allowed the students to sign their Valentines, but she didn't let them address them. So my daughter went through and crossed out the prewritten message on each Valentine just in case the boy she didn't like happened to receive the Valentine that said "You're the tops!" It made me laugh, but after reading your post I thought what if agents had to place your candy hearts in envelopes and randomly give them to aspiring authors? We authors would be happy, but I'm not so sure about the agents.
    P.S. Happy anniversary of your birth yesterday, Peggy :)

  17. Haha--love the candy hearts :) My favorite is "Your MS is GR8" --because isn't that something we'd all like to hear?

  18. Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)

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